Key Stage 3
Intent: At CF we have designed and implemented a curriculum that aims to ensure that all our students encounter, engage with and study (to varying degrees of depth), the content and material which are considered important for a rounded education, whilst staying true to our founding values of inclusion and achievement for all. This curriculum is based on the English National Curriculum but adapted to make it relevant and accesible to an international student body.
Implementation: Each curriculum area has thought hard about what they teach, when they teach it, who they teach it to and why. These rationales are outlined in our curriculum maps and forms the glue which holds our whole-school curriculum together, giving it coherence and allowing students and teachers alike to place substantive and disciplinary knowledge into context, ensuring better retention, and ultimately better learning outcomes for all our students.
Impact: At CF we use assessment and holistic data to monitor the effectiveness of our curriculum and to inform conversations between school leaders, subject leaders and teachers to ensure our curriculum continues to be rigorous, accessible to all our students and undergoing a constant review process in order to improve. Although we are a small school, we have big ambitions for our students and we work hard to ensure our curriculum is the vehicle through which these ambitions can be realised.
At Key Stage 3 (Years 7, 8 and 9) children follow a broad and balanced curriculum.
All children study the following subjects, with each subject being taught by a subject specialist: English, Maths, Science, History, Geography, Religious Studies, Latin, Spanish, Art, Drama, Music, and ICT. Three days a week children have a scheduled PE lesson ensuring time is dedicated to outdoor play and physical activity.